The Camera Talks


My mood board represents that every image in media has connotations, which are significant because they each tell a story. This mood board expresses my ability to use mise-en-scene to communicate a message. In media, how the camera is positioned is very important in order to convey the desired message to the audience. In order to create more meaningful connotations to your denotations you have to consider camera angles, framing, the distance between the camera and what you are shooting, and then combine these elements with mes-en-scene, in order to create a powerful story telling partnership. If you do all of these things you can create the perfect image which can express an idea from a single image, this is called an image and an idea.

For example, our group used a two shot image, where Evie and I are facing each other in the centre of the frame, however Evie is slightly covering her face. We thought it’d be a good idea for her to hide her face to convey that Evie is sharing secretive information with me, who is not covering my face, to communicate my feelings of being shocked.

For our mid-shot, we decided to sit Cerys by herself in a large, empty area. We chose to do this to convey her feelings of loneliness and being isolated. The fact the picture was shot from quite far away connotes that she is isolated from everyone and everything.

Focusing forward, creating this will help me to compose images for my music magazine because I am now aware of the different angles I will need to shoot from in order to add connotations to my denotations. This is significant because it is going to help me deliver a clearer message to my audience.


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