A Front Cover Analyzed- attracting ‘that’ audience

Every magazine has a specific audience that they intend to attract when designing their front cover. It is important for designers to have a target audience that they appeal to other wise they wouldn’t be successful in attracting new customers. Usually this target audience is a certain demographic; separated by age, race or gender, however magazine producers also use subgroups within these demographics to attract people interested in a particular subject. These subgroups are divided by a persons particular interests and are psychographics. This is an effective way of advertisement because it can create a customer loyalty.

In order for producers to appeal to their target audience they use specific fonts, images, headlines and language. This can be seen in the magazine I analysed where the magazine producers have written the masthead ‘billboard’ in all lowercase and used a serif font, which is a tactical way to attract a younger audience because the name appears modern and simple, something which might not neccesarily appeal to older age groups.

Focusing forward this will help me to design my music magazine because it has helped me to think about including a certain type of demographic. For example,  I now have a better idea of  what age, gender and type of personality I intend to target. Creating this has also taught me about the importance of attracting a certain psychographic, which is similar to demographics however it is more personal and includes a persons interests, hobbies and aspirations, so I will now be able to link the technical design conventions to the interests of my desired audience.




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