My Magazine Cover Swede


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When creating a magazine cover it is important to consider the layout, proportions, colours, fonts and typefaces. I found that using Indesign to replicate the front cover of NME helped me understand the significance of placing an image and sizing of an image. In order to recreate the layout I had to recap the main conventional design features of a magazine cover.

While replicating this front cover I have learnt how to use Indesign and how magazine covers have main conventional design features, such as, the masthead, cover lines, main cover star, pug and the plug.

Reflecting on how I found this:

My 3 strengths-

  • One of my strengths was being able to pick up how to use Indesign fairly quickly. I learnt the ropes of this app after one lesson and quickly discovered how to replicate the exact fonts and sizes used.
  • The layout and proportions I copied were placed accurately
  • I used capital and lowercase letters in the same places that were on the original magazine cover

My 3 weaknesses-

  • My coverlines were too close together
  • The barcode I replicated was slightly cut off
  • The imaging sizing is slightly off in some areas

To improve on these things in future I will watch these helpful YouTube videos:

Focusing forward, this task will help me to create my own music magazine as I am now familiar with how to use InDesign. This will help me because now I feel more confident that I have the skills required to use InDesign effectively.

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