Previous Student’s Work

While watching music videos of famous stars is helpful, it isn’t very realistic to what I will be producing because obviously it is much more professional. Therefore, to gain a better understating of what I will make I watched music videos produced by students in the sixth form from previous years. This was good because it allowed me to decode and deconstruct their videos so I could learn the technical conventions. The most essential technical conventions include:

  • the narrative
  • the performance
  • lip syncing
  • editing to the beat
  • framing and range of shots
  • star image

After watching a variety of different music videos performed by students the video I chose to analyse was ‘Love Club’. It was my favourite because I found bright pink colour scheme which co-ordinated with Mes, the costume, makeup and props to be very effective.

Why was it my favourite music video?

  • The variety of different shots and video cuts to close ups in performance and narrative sections is very effective. As you can see in the table above I assessed this area of the music video as excellent because I really enjoyed the camera angles and positions that were used, for example the drone that was used to record a birds eye shot of the star image because the flip between that and the shots filmed on a tripod helped to represent the actress as powerful and reinforces her star image.
  • Mise-en-scene clearly reflects a genre and represents clear meaning in the narrative. Throughout the entire music video I was impressed by the mise-en-scene as I noticed that it met the success criteria and conveyed a heartbroken image the group was trying to portray. In particular I liked the makeup, which included love hearts and lots of pinks which matched the title of the song ‘love club’. I found the high-key lightening which consisted of red and pink tones to be effective as well because it created an innocent feel to the video which juxtaposes to the narrative of the creepy girl. The props that included a lollipop, cake and teddy bears also helped to convey the sense of innocence and playfulness.
  • The lip syncing throughout the music video was good however I am not sure the editing reflects the rhythm of the music. I found that despite the lip syncing being accurate and suiting the actress that the cutting pace was a little bit too fast too match the slow beat to the song, therefore I chose to mark it as proficient.



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