Star Image- Performer

In order to understand the star that features in the music video, I put together a college of images that express her personality. This is helpful because it gives us understanding of our genre and it’s repertoire of elements.

Similarly, to the artist I want our star image to be punk however they will have a grunge, dark, edgy twist which I think will suit our choice of song perfectly. I will covey all these conventions by using cinematography and the use of Mise en scene to create an outfit that stands out. It is very important that our star image will be outstanding because I aim to create a branding out of them. Branding is very important when it comes to successful advertising. It is also very important that our star is coherent across all our products, for example on her social media page, digipack and in the music video. Our star needs to have the same message across all medias as it will help our star to stand out and create a big audience. I would describe our star image as a rebellious and cheeky character and I aim to emphasise her quirkiness, through things such as Mes.


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