Shoot 1 Reflection (Performance)

We decided to shoot our performance during lunch time in the Black studio. My group consists of just Henry and I, and I am in the music video. So I had the job of being the star image and expressing all of the elements of a quirky, rebellious character.

What went well:

  • We got some really good, unique shots such as a pan shot.
  • We were organised and remembered to bring all of the correct props, costumes and makeup in order to convey our star image
  • The studio was exactly what we wanted, the black backgrounds help to emphasise our punky and gothic themes.
  • The mise-en-scene was perfect and enabled our star to look like a grungy superstar

What could be improved:

  • Some of the footage appeared to be fuzzy and out of focus when looking back on it
  • We filmed all 4 minutes of footage for every shot we did, which was a mistake because it didn’t allow for our star to take a break or catch their breath
  • We didn’t get any close ups or extreme close ups, which would be a perfect shot to highlight the star’s emotion

Overall I feel as though the first performance shoot went quite well as we were able to shoot some good shots and get some good angles.  Focusing forward, my group and I have decided to we will be doing a reshoot so that we can include all of the shots we missed and depict the star image as a moody and punk character.

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