Shoot 2 Reflection (Narrative)

We shot our narrative on the grounds at saumarez park. In the performance shoot I was the only person who was featured, however for this shoot we had another person.

What went well:

  • The scenery was perfect and helped us to reinforce the mes, as well as highlighting the storyline.
  • We got some really good, detailed shots from a variety of different angles
  • We got a variety of different scenes and all of the footage is in focus so there is no need to reshoot, like we had to do with the performance
  • The outfits that the stars both wore were good and help to convey their transition from plain to punk

What could be improved:

  • In one particular scene when I removed the magazine from my face to reveal my outfit change I didn’t completely remove the magazine from the shot so you can’t see my full outfit
  • In the background of one of the shots you could see our bags and clothes which isn’t very appealing
  • The storyline, is slightly unclear and we need to work on our story


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