Contact Sheets and Shoot Evaluation


Above are all of the photos that Henry and I collected from the photoshoot for our digipak. We used ideas gained from our PMA and our choice of angles were chosen due to the fact that these shots are regularlary used by other artists in the same genre. We also made sure to use a variety of different shots because it allows for some of these images to be used on our social media page too. The images that we are most likely to use on our social media page will be the ones that appear the most casual.

Overall, I think the shhot went quite well because we took more than 150 photos. These are a couple of my favourites:

I like this one in particular because I think the high angle emphasies the star’s powerfullness. I also like the contrast of the deep pink in the background and the lilac top that she is wearing.

I like this shot because the way you cannot see her face yet you can still see her eyes through her hand sends a strong message. I also like the way her head is positioned perfectly, I think it makes her appear bold and sassy.

Focusing forward, in future photoshoots I think we should include a variety of different outfits and also ensure that the star is wearing lots more jewelry. I think layering jewelry would help to emphasise the star’s image because it would help to define her personality.



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