Star Image- Theirs and Mine

In order, for any music magazine to become a success it is important to understand the star image. In media, the first thing your customers will analyse is the front image of your model, from this they will convey a certain connotation which will help them decide if they are interested in your product. To give me a better understanding on this I researched how a particular star from my Indie-pop genre is represented in the media.


How do the media view Lana Del Rey?

Lana Del Rey is adored by many indie-pop fans on social media globally, however she can also be seen as a very controversial character due to her blatant honesty and problematic tendencies.  The fact Lana is so honest means she is iconic and an inspiration to people in the indie community.  Her friendly problematicness can be seen through the tweet I displayed on the first slide. Despite Lana only being 21, she portrays a vintage aesthetic, that is also represented on the same slide where you can see her record and vinyl’s for sale exclusively on her website. This relates to the indie-pop vibe she represents because viynl’s and  records are one of the main source’s that my genre is played one.


To help me come up with ideas for what I would like to dress my model in, I researched what type of clothes, hairstyles and makeup famous indie-pop stars wear. It is very important for my model to look extraordinary and not just like an ordinary pop star because then she will stand out from the crowd and attract our target audience.

Focusing forward, this task has taught me the significance of researching the backgrounds of other famous indie-pop stars and using mise-en-scene to convey the desired message to the audience. It will help me to make my music magazine because now I have a good understanding of the type of fashion I will need to get for my model to wear. I am now aware of the kind of poses I will get my model to do, in order to portray my indie-pop these to my audience.

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