Language Analysis

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The text that I am analysing is Maverick ‘Celebrating the wildcards who’ve inspired cult worship’, written by author Dorian Lynskey. This article has been dated back to September 2017.

Evidence of the journalistic technique 5 Whys and an H can be seen through-out the article, for example ‘When’ has been usedĀ  describe the story about a negotiating deal and ‘why’ can be seen when Lynskey is talking about James Lavelle reassessing his past and asking himself why he makes music.

The structure of this article is a biography and I can tell this because Lynskey is talking in third person about Lavelle. This page of the spread has been laid out into 4 main sections of text and one of which is written in bold writing above the three other columns. Most of this page has been covered by James Lavelle’s name, which is effective because it is big and bold meaning it will catch attention to any of his fans and the target audience. The fact one section below his name is also written in bold is informative because it gives the readers a glimpse of what will be found inside the article.

In all honestly I cannot feel much of the Journalists presence through this article, however this is probably because it is written in third person, therefore there is not much need for Lynskey to talk about himself because his job is to inform the audience about Lavelle. The impact of this being written in third person rather than first is huge because it is a non-biased perspective and only key-points about Lavelle’s life have been talked about. There is a clear introduction which can be seen written in bigger font, however there is no conclusion to finish the article.

The general tone of this article seems quite relaxed because the journalist has freely written curse words, an example can be found through the lineĀ  “a fucking amazing night”. This could also express Lynskey as being fearless and tells us he is not afraid to break any taboos. This tone relates this genre of Electronic trip-hop because that style is alternative, much like the writing style the journalist has portrayed.

To conclude, Lynksey represents Lavelle as being a free-spoken and exciting person, who is not afraid to break social norms. The journalist has also structured this article very well because it gets across the desired message and is displayed so it is easy enough to read while still looking interesting.

Focusing forward, this task will help me in order to create my own double page spread because I feel as though I have gained a better understanding to be able to hook and intrigue my target audience. When creating my own I will take into consideration the design conventions used here and possibly copy the layout.

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