Draft 2

Above is our second draft for the music video. In order, to make some improvements we filled out a self assessment and received some good feedback from our teacher.

Self Assessment 

What went well:

  • The mise en scene used in both shoots clearly coveys the genre of indie grunge, through our stars dark clothing, makeup and excessive amount of jewellery
  • The editing at the beginning of the music video is fast past and highlights our stars importance by implying that she is newly famous and getting used to this kind of lifestyle
  • Microphone used as a prop helps to emphasise that our star is being interviewed on the red carpet as she is getting bombarded with paparazzi.
  • The footage that we have is all exquisite and we have enough of it to convey our narrative

What to improve on in the future:

  • I don’t think we got enough close ups in the narrative. Close ups are important especially in boy girl music videos because they help to create affection between the pair.
  • The editing is not to the beat, which is something that will take a while but we will ensure to include in the future
  • We do not have any special effects included in our video so far. This is important and something we need to look at when we come to do our next drafts if we want to achieve the best grade possible.
  • The narrative appears as though it has no proper storyline behind it. We need to make sure that we edit our narrative footage to show that their is a storyline behind it

Teacher Feedback:

  • Erase the head-bopping- it looks unnatural.
  • Narrative footage is too long
  • Include more close ups, and a variety of different shots and angles

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