Media Ecology

Media ecology is the study of media, technology, and communication and how they affect human environments.

KEY TERMS:  Environment; Interconnected; Interdependent; Media impacts on society’s understanding, perception, feelings and values

This includes elements such as:

    • Money
    • Institutions
    • Audience
    • Government
    • Creators
    • Distribution
    • Social Media
    • Technology

I understand now that, in the real word all media producers relay on a variety of other parts in the media environment. For example to create good media, editors, publishers, fashion designers  makeup artists, and much more people will need to be employed. Media ecology has also taught me that there are many elements involved in creating media, like having to get it approved by the government and having a target audience.

Media ecology is going to be helpful in creating my music magazine because it has enabled me to think about all aspects of media that I will need to include.




My Media Diet

My Media diet is a reflection of my favourite shows and the social media which I engage with the most. The reason I choose to use these apps the most is because they entertain me and keep me updated with the latest news and what my friends are up to. Through creating this I have learnt that everyone has a different social identity and people engage with media for various different reasons: entertainment, information, personal identity and social interaction.

My media diet is going to help me with creating my music magazine because it has shown me I am going to have to consider why people read magazines and in order to create a great magazine I must ensure that there are opportunities to be entertained, informed, reinforce the reader’s personal identity and also give them opportunities to socially interact. If I can provide all of these elements, then my media text is likely to be a success.