Final Thriller

We finished tweaking our film from the feedback, and below you can watch the final version:

We are really happy with how this turned out, it was quite similar to the original ideas we had right from when we created our story board, but there’s definitely been quite a few changes!

Final Targets

From all our feedback on our third draft, there are a few things we will change to improve our thriller before the final cut, including:

  • Titles – When were were talking to our peers they thought the final title of the film should be in a different colour, maybe black text on a white background, which would work better with the actual name as well.
  • Sound – They also suggested putting some kind of chase-like music when the protagonist realizes they’re being chased by this mysterious villainous character. Additionally, they thought we could possibly put some more sound effects throughout the film, especially within the shots with our antagonist, to create an even more apprehensive atmosphere.
  • Shot length – There were some shots which our peers thought could do with being a bit shorter, and some a bit longer, such as the shot with the eye through the key hole, we plan to lengthen and shorten these before our final draft.

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

We thought about what we have really felt we’ve learnt in the entire process of making this thriller from the beginning of the year with our Preliminary Task. Below you can watch us talk through everything we learnt about:

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the process of making our thriller, we have learnt to use a number of new technologies, including online, software and hardware technologies. Below you can see what I previously knew, and what I have learnt:


Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 4 asks: ‘Who would be the target audience for your media product?’

Finding the response to this question required certain research, including interviews with different demographics and looking into the genre. We put together a Voice Thread talking through the research we’ve carried out for the audience of the thriller genre, and also general audiences within the film industry, leading to the creation of our own audience profile.

Evaluation Question 2

‘How does your media product represent particular social groups?’

When creating our sequence, we thought about how we really wanted to present our characters, and to do that we looked at all different aspects of our film, such as the setting, cinematography, sound and editing of the sequence. Additionally, we evidently looked at the image of our two characters, as this really helps our audience interpret these characters in the ways we wished!

Below you can see a mind map of different things we did to help represent our characters.


Here you can see our antagonist.


Here you can see our protagonist.