To help us better understand film titles in thriller productions we as a group conducted research on three thrillers one of which was a timeline of the titles that would appear and two documents that researched two other thrillers, these two documents contained a list of the titles that appeared in chronological order, some screenshots and analysis of the main film title, the fonts, animations etc.

Titles Timeline

The Titles Timeline is a document that contains all of the titles that appeared, the length that they appeared for. The film that I researched was Se7en (1995-David Fincher). This document helped us to figure out the order that titles generally follow, the length of time that each title should be on screen for and analysis of sound and title design.

Below is a picture of this document:

Title Research

The Titles Research documents are documents that contain a list of the titles that are used, screenshots of titles and analysis of the animations, fonts and sizes etc.

Below are the documents:


This is the list that may possibly be used:

  • A film by… becklsey wild
  • Star – gemma langlois
  • Star – reece ferdinand
  • Star – adam guille
  • Star – sam coley
  • Film title triple 6
  • Star olivia le friec
  • Casting by – caitlin robilliard
  • Star – laurence plevin
  • Star – beth ozanne
  • Costume design by… ewan smith
  • Visual effects by… alex gill
  • Screenplay by… Lucy S.Davis
  • Director – Tom misselke