Print media that communicates meaning – A tour poster

This is a tour poster of Ariana Grande for her tour of Sweetener, here you can see I am understanding how to analyse Media Text.

In my Media classes, I have been looking at different Tour posters and analysing and understanding them. For example i have looked at; the iconography of the images, the lighting, The font, the Mise en scene. The denotations of the Tour Poster all have connotations attached too them for example, the pink fluffy clouds illustrate that she is feminin and promotes the fantasy fairy like feel.

By understanding the denotations and connotations of this Tour poster for example the font, body language, costume design and lighting, will help me to create my own Music Magazine as I can use these techniques in my work. The facial expressions in this poster convey a narrative so I will use appropriate facial expressions to illustrate a story in my poster.

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