Media Ecology

This is my photographic example of a lego ‘system’ (natural or manmade) with elements, ingredients that all rely on each other to function.

Heres how the system works.

If you look to the far left, this is the person that manufactures parts for a building. Then the person just next to them on the right in the pink puts them on the boat to be delivered. Then the person below her with the lever pulls and that opens the bridge and the captain of the boat sails to a different land. Then once the ship has arrived the person in grey takes the parts for the building and puts it on a persons truck. While the truck is being loaded you can see Yoda filling up the petrol for the truck and then the man driving it delivers the parts to the house on which is being built. Then finally  the builders use those parts to build a house for the man on the wake board. All of these things show the system of ecology and how people work together and help each other as a community  to get jobs done.

Ideas about the role of the government in the world of media.

  1. Firstly I think that the role of the government should be to take more responsibility and monitor all the bad stuff that gets put on social media and take stuff down when necessary.
  2. The government need to stop fake news and have more control so people know whats real and so they are not mislead. Especially in terms of the current situation of Carona virus and the rules on which it follows.

Audience is important in media ecology as us as a community consume so much text through social media that we are becoming producers of media ecology just by consuming and reading the things we see online.

Different types of media producers/creators

  • Youtuber
  • Film director
  • The guardian
  • Instagrammer
  • Costume designer for film
  • Composer for film
  • Twitch streamers

 Two positive contributions of digital technology to the world of media are

  1. that you can post what you have been up to a share it with your friends and family.
  2.  You can easily access entertainment on youtube or any platform for free.

 Two negative contributions of digital technology to the world of media are

  1.  Hackers who can change peoples accounts and take their stuff.
  2. False news because know one knows whats real or fake.

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