What is a contents page?

Here I have made a collage of different types of contents pages this is so a can get a rough idea of what my magazine will look like and where I can start on creating my own. Having inspiration from professional magazines is going to help me especially when trying to get the right layout and find the right text size and the correct fonts. A thing that i’ve noticed about all these contents pages is that they all have the main cover star the biggest on the page and have the mastheads quite large and then have the cover lines quite small. Another thing I have noticed is that having a model appropriate to the genre of the magazine conveys more information to the reader about the product. For example the man with the black hat holding chains immediately suggests to the viewer the magazine as being hip hop or rap.

Here I have drawn 4 layouts of  a contents page, I have done this to give me a rough idea of what layout I might like to use in my magazine.

My 5 catchy headlines

  • Interview with the man himself
  • A chance to win jimmy hendrixe’s guitar
  • Introducing new upcoming artists
  • A blast from the past
  • Coming to a city near you!

If I use these catchy headlines I will be able to attract my target audience and make my magazine stand out from the rest.




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