Castle Cornett contact sheets for music magazine

In this shoot I went to castle cornet to capture some great images of my model, I used mise en scene and costume design to try and create my psychedelic rock star.

Here are my top 3 photos.


I think out of all my photos I took this is my favourite, its mainly just because of the really interesting canted angle I took and the stairs look really odd. I also like how moody the photo looks, as it’s to do with the contrast between the colors of the stairs, my model and the walls, against the color of the grey sky in the background.


In this image I really like the composition with Max standing behind Anya and having blended one of my light drawing images on top of this image makes it look really cool and Psychedelic.

However I like this photo for a completely different reason as its bright and impactful due to the blue sky and the lighting of the image. I think I did a really good job on the composition as to get my model in the frame of the circle was a really good idea. As I was approaching this location with the circle in the fence I immediately thought to take this photo. My model also looks really cool and like rock star with the guitar balancing behind his head.


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