Draft 2 DPS

Here is my second draft for my double page spread, I have changed the image on the left as I didn’t feel like it looked psychedelic enough compared to my other images in the magazine. I decided to get rid of the writing on the image so I moved it over to the right and put it as part of the heading for the article. I also changed the size of the font and adjusted the text box so that it was bigger and wrapped around the text, I even thickened the text box and put some stroke on it. Just to make everything even I placed the text so that it aligned with the white text box.

  • sort out page numbers
  • who has made the article and taken the photography
  • the light fx on him looks like they are ears..offset him but great image..can we lighten him slightly?
  • perhaps add a quote on the photo page
  • is it the end of the article or is it continued….?
  • not sure about the pink bounding boxes….shouldn’t be necessary
  • break up the columns with an inset quote to wrap the text around
  • de hyphenate
  • Why is crocodile pool in different font is it to make it stand out?

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