2nd draft front page

What’s new?

Since my last draft I have kept my title the same “Crocodile pool” but have added “interview with the man himself” next to it so that the audience knows what to expect in the magazine. I have changed the masthead by making a colour pattern in photoshop for the background but kept the same font. I also changed the pug to make it look neater and more pleasing. Ive added a lot more cover lines to attract the audience and show them what will be in my magazine. I have remade the star image in photoshop so the resolution is better and last but not least rearranged all the text to make it look neat and tidy.


What’s next?

  • Capital letter Gizzard
  • 2 coverlines about the same artist
  • separate the cover lines more
  • add an extra coverline in?
  • banner across the bottom with more artists features?
  • price and issue number
  • make the R bigger in Radar?

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