Complete magazine draft 3


Here is my 3rd and final draft of my front page. Since draft 2 I have changed the colour and spacing of the cover lines, I have added a date, issue and price, made the masthead bigger, I have also changed the font of the word “Grammy” so that it stands out and looks similar to the grammy logo.

In my new draft I have completely changed how page looks. Firstly I have added lots more cover lines, I have changed the fonts and text sizes, I have also changed the size of the images and have re adjusted them to fit a three layered grid. Ive also exported it so that the colours look sharper, I have got rid of the pink background and changed it to white. I have also re organised the masthead so its more centred and changed the size of the font, Ive added and edited an extra image and I have made sure the text aligns with the columns. All in all I am very pleased with this final draft.

Here is my final draft of my DPS. Since my last draft I have made my image larger, iv’e adjusted the columns so that they align equally, I move the bottom sentence at the end of the article to the right and Ive added colour to the quote in the top left.



Front page

  • on front page space out the cover-lines
  • Capital letters G for Gizzard
  • Make image bigger
  • Price and issue date
  •  change colour of letters
  •  Make masthead bigger
  • Contents
  • Put Radar small and contents big
  • page number 3
  • more colours
  • more cover lines
  • check spelling
  • More information make bigger
  • Add a give away
  • swap around more room
  • punctuation
  • DPS
  • make image bigger
  • Equal the columns
  • push “continue article” to the right
  • Add graphics colour scheme
  • logo “rainbow twissle”
  • Add Twitter and facebook

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