Test shoot/ Lip sync

This is our test shoot for our music video which includes the song “Starting Again” by day wave. Having filmed, acted and edited this short music video has helped me get a sense of how to shoot a music video as I have used the key skills that I need for my final music video.

Things that went well were the editing because it was on beat and the transitions worked. We had a variety of shots and had the star image centred in the frame on most of the shots. We choose a different number of locations for our shoot. Even better if we included better coverage shots for example the cut close up shots and panned shots. We could of used better shots that had clearer lip syncing and we could have used fancier transitions if we had more time to edit our video. We didn’t have the paradox of the star as we didn’t use any shots which showed off his talent on guitar. Are star image was portrayed as quite quite ordinary and he didn’t really connote the genre of alternative/indie as he was wearing the wrong costume for the genre and we filmed at very basic and boring locations.

Focusing forward, I will use cut to close up shots and panned shots as well as the correct MES to help communicate to my audience my star is an indie/alternative music artist.

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