Shoot 1 reflection performance


In this post you can see that me and my group went down to St Pierre Du Bois (L’Eree Beach) to film our performance shoot for our music video starting again. We shot in the bunker and on top of the bunker, we got some good shots overall and I was happy with the takes I got. One of the challenges I faced throughout the shoot was that it took quite a few attempts for me to perfect the lip syncing. Props we used consisted of an amp, a guitar and a drum kit and the costume design was heavily inspired by the boy next door look (the indie boy look.)

Things that went well

  • The shots we took help to represent our star as my have close up shots, two shots, high angle and low angle shots, medium close up shots and mid shots.
  • we had a lot of fun filming and acting in the video
  • the weather was really nice
  • we managed our time very well as we had two different locations next to each other
  • we used good MES and good props like the instruments that we had
  • we also had good costume design

Things that didn’t go so well

  • We had a few shots out of focus
  • It was just a pain that we had to keep moving all the equipment but thats what happens when you have a drum kit as a prop
  • We maybe could have got a few more fancy transitions in the shoot.

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