Music video draft 2

This is our video for draft 2, In general I think the shots are good but I don’t think they are used in the right order or convey any narrative.

Technical Skills

  • It is in sync most of the way through but not all scenes are edited on beat which shows the rhythm of movement.
  • We have used a tripod too get good close up shots towards the start of the video
  • Im very happy with the quality of the shots as we have good depth of field, but we needed more close up shots.
  • We didn’t add any transitions in post production but when filming we did try and make some but they were out of focus and blurry so we couldn’t use any of them. We tried using an effect at the end but it didn’t really work.
  • We also had shots where Brandon is in the reflection of the bus shots.

Media conventions

  • The shots in the narrative don’t add up to anything and theres no story line in this draft.
  • We have good costume design and natural lighting and great scenery which fits our genre of indie/alternative.
  • Acting skills are good in the performance and less good in the narrative.

Having evaluated my music video under the PSW assessment criteria,

I now know;

  • We need to shoot our shots with understanding of rules of thirds so that our shots look framed and well presented.
  • Our group needs to edit every shot on beat
  • We need to add in more narrative as there isn’t enough story line in our video, Our group also needs to understand that we need to use more close up shots and a variety of different angles

Having looked at someone else’s music video of a similar style to my music video I can no see what they have done well.

  • They have used a tripod through out and used relevant camera movement and it adds meaning and fits well for the genre.
  • Most shots are visually pleasing and they have used rules of thirds in most shots
  • They have used depth of field in some shots.
  • Good variety of shots from close ups to long shots and mid shots, as well as good and different angle uses
  • The video cuts to significant close ups well in performance and narrative
  • Minimum video effects used but that’s what the genre needs anyway.
  • Editing is done really well use of band sequences and montages as well as the use of 180 rule.
  • Mise en scene represents genre well with lighting and costume design as well as location and displays clear meaning in the narrative.
  • Editing and lip sync makes sense and works with narrative
  • Good transition shots between narrative and performance
  • Pace of edit is a bit inconsistent in some parts of the video.

This will help me as I now know how to make my music video better by annotating and looking  at someone elses music video.

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