Draft 4 music video

Here is Draft 4 of our music video.

Summarised feedback from Mrs Cobb

  • Come in with first shot sooner
  • Fill in black screen at the start
  • Add guitar close up sooner
  • Band shots bright and cheerful flash backs need to be down and de stressing
  • Stabilise or remove room shot
  • get rid of shot where I look into camera it breaks the forth wall
  • Stabilise bedroom shot, scale in and scale out the shot
  • Stabilise close up of Brandon
  • use different shot as its out of focus
  • It needs close up intimate shots
  • They both need to meet at bus stop
  • sequence on sofa in threes; high five, cheers, another jump cut
  • shot reverse shots in the sequence
  • no repeats
  • scale in shot of me on the top of the bunker
  • Ending needs work, theres a better place to cut it
  • use shots of me and Brandon forming the band.
  • Graphic match between the boys meeting and playing as the band
  • cut into drum sticks hitting drum
  • cut into foot tapping
  • show a connection between both boys
  • use colour correction
  • Make the music stop in the right place
  • Meeting scene at the bus stop
  • More close ups!

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