Favourite music video from former student

I think one of the main reasons that this video works so well is that they have used the technical convention of lip syncing which fits the actors voice perfectly for the song. Another reason why this is the best music video from last year is that the song works really well for a horror music video. Having analysed it I can see that the narrative works really well as it is all about someone who is insane. Doing the shoot at the under ground was a good choice for MES and the costumes and lighting are perfect for conveying a horror narrative. Her make up and hair is made scruffy and bloody which represents her as someone who is mad and needs help. The editing is very well done as its on beat and it doesn’t disorient the audience. The star is represented as someone who is insane and likes pain. The camera shots are canted, low angle, high angle shots, mid shots, close ups, long shots and wide shots which help to convey the horror narrative of the video. Looking at this video gives me an idea of what shots, edits and mise en scen to use when shooting and producing my own music video.


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