Star Image- The perfromer

By analysing are artist for our music video we can see that we need to re create our performer and represent them as someone who is extra ordinary with their music abilities and we also need to show the audience that the star is also an ordinary person having fun (this is called the Paradox of the Star and this theory was introduced by Richard Dyer. Having analysed the look for our genre (the boy next door) it is clear that this will help with our MES in our music video as we now know the types of looks and costumes we need in our own indie music video. We also want to convey to our target audience that our star is indie and the boy next door, we want him to be calm, relaxed playful, friendly and skilful which will play a part in our Metanarrative. By doing this Star image board it will help us with our project meeting agenda as it help us to associate the right costumes for our music video.

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