Video narrative story board

Here is our narrative story board. It portrays the shots needed for our next upcoming shoot for our music video and reminds us of what we are going to film in our next shoot. It conveys themes of both loneliness, joyfulness and togetherness. The story board is in chronological order and consists of a variety of different shots and specific types of framing in each scene. The structure of the music video runs at a parallel cutting between two scenes that meet at the climax. Having close ups of the stars face showing sad emotions will help represent his loneliness and the overhead shot amplifies the despair of the character and the having these isolated alone shots adds to the meta narrative.

Bus shots Just Ben

  • Close ups to convey boredom
  • Long shots to convey loneliness
  • Mid shots to show that he’s waiting

Bus shots Brandon and Ben

  • Close ups to show social interaction
  • Long shots to set the scene to show them meeting
  • Mid shots to show characters interacting

Bedroom shots

  • Low angle panned to show loneliness
  • high angle shot to show stresses of character

Studio shots

  • Low angle gives us a more down to earth feel
  • Zooming out shot high angle shot, conveys that the two characters have gotten together to create music.



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