Category Archives: Component 3

Draft 1 digipak

Self assessment from assessment criteria

  • Camera is used well for first image to make engaging image for our star image but not in second image.
  • Costume design is well done and fits genre
  • Lighting is good and gives of a very chill and indie vibe
  • Background is plain and simple which is maybe what we don’t want for this genre although it does look organic.
  • Text is a bit bland in front panel, but text in back panel works with genre and looks good.
  • Colour works for our indie genre and our brand package and works well to show integrated advertising

Targets for improvement

  • Scale images bigger
  • change album name
  • Try and find better image of Brandon
  • Find another photo of me as it to pixilated

Contact sheet

Here is our contact shoot for our first shoot from our digipak

Shoot went well we got some great images with a variety of lighting angles and distance shots. Im not happy with some of the quality of the shots as they become pixilated when enlarged only slightly. Some of the images aren’t great and some are even out of focus as it took me a while to find the right camera settings for my camera. The lighting was very bad in some of the photos as the ISO wasn’t adjusted right in comparison with the F stop.

Dp mock up

Here is our Dp mock up for our digipak it is a visual plan that shows us what conventions we are going to need to make our digipak. We have labelled each section that is need in making some good album art. For example the album name, the year of the album, the band name, the barcode and the copyright issues.

By making this DP it will help us make our digipak as we know which conventions are needed to convey our indie genre to the audience. From this indie colour pallet we also know what colours we are going to use for costume and in post editing to make an indie digipak.


Social Media Page Terminology

Here is my analysis of a social media page this will help me to make my own social media page in future as I have looked at the technical conventions, the way the star image is branded as an artist, for example in his bio he is represented as a musician which tells the audience that he makes and produces music. The blue tick shows that the artist is verified and has been viewed by a representative of instagram, this makes the account look professional, non amateur and marketable. I have understood the repertoire of elements for the blue prints of a social media page , for example how posts and stories help to promote and spread awareness of the artist and it helps them to grow a target audience through sharing their posts.

The look Book-branding package


Here is my visual mood board which reflects my genre of indie/alternative, it shows the different types of indie stars and how they are presented in similar but different ways. By making and researching conventions for this genre it will help me to represent my star/brand as an indie artist to my audience, through the use of mes, costume and facial expressions to make the style of character i want for my digipak.

Music Video Draft 3


Here is draft 3 of our music video which has been peer assessed by a former student in another media class.

Peer review pros summarised

  • We had good MES as the background suited the genre very well
  • This shot is really well executed
  • Tracking  is good in the bus stop shot
  • we had a good variety of angles and shots in our music video
  • The narrative in the music video is clear
  • Good realistic performance

Peer review cons summarised

  • work on editing the lip syncing on beat
  • Get rid of blank bits as the narrative needs a conclusion
  • To many shaky shots don’t add them or fix them
  • Shot of the xbox doesn’t need to be there

Textual analysis of a Digipak

Here is my analysis of an indie Digipak this will help me to make my own Digipak in future as I have looked at the technical conventions, the way the star image is branded as an artist, for example in this album cover she is presented as someone who is quite shy and insecure. Her album is presented in an indie fashion via the use of contrasting bright colours which fit the genre. I have understood the repertoire of elements for the blue prints of a digipak, for example how fonts are used effectively and in this case the childlike font the designer has used works very well with the design of the album and the indie genre.

Specsavers feedback

Two of the people from the media department of Specsavers came in and showed my class some tips and tricks in the world of editing, this opportunity allowed us to get their opinions of our work and help us improve our music videos for later drafts.

  • One of the things they suggested would improve our music video is the space between shots for example balancing the narrative and the performance to give the viewer a better understanding of the continuity in our music video.
  • For our upcoming shoot we asked them what they would advise us to do to make the shoot better than the previous ones and they came up with using more closeup shots and add more movement to our video by using a device called a Gimble.

  • They also advised us to adjust the colour gradient and change the white Balance as well as tell us that for our genre we need shots that are easy to transition like physical transitions that add more natural and realism to our video.

  • Having Specsavers come in was extremely helpful as we got a very professional and very useful opinion on our work by people who devil in this as their job. They gave us good advice and it will definitely help us with our next shoot as we plan to use a gimble try out easy transitions and use fun and interesting close up shots.