Category Archives: Component 3

Star Image- The perfromer

By analysing are artist for our music video we can see that we need to re create our performer and represent them as someone who is extra ordinary with their music abilities and we also need to show the audience that the star is also an ordinary person having fun (this is called the Paradox of the Star and this theory was introduced by Richard Dyer. Having analysed the look for our genre (the boy next door) it is clear that this will help with our MES in our music video as we now know the types of looks and costumes we need in our own indie music video. We also want to convey to our target audience that our star is indie and the boy next door, we want him to be calm, relaxed playful, friendly and skilful which will play a part in our Metanarrative. By doing this Star image board it will help us with our project meeting agenda as it help us to associate the right costumes for our music video.

Pitch and feeback

Here is a google slide that I have made for my pitch which showed our ideas for our music video.

Here is a YouTube video of our pitch which we presented to our teacher. We talked about where our music video will be shot, the ideas for the narrative and performance of the music video and which star will be in the music video.

Targets from Feedback

  • Our teacher has approved our narrative/performance idea for our music video.
  • Try to simplify the lonely shots for the narrative
  • Finding the beach and theĀ  right times to get the band on the beach
  • splitting editing filming and acting between us.
  • Try to use different cameras for example a go pro, DLSR and maybe a drone
  • Try finding people who have the time to be in the music video



  • Shooting and presenting Summer fun
  • Trying to create nice drone shots
  • Having limited locations so that it doesn’t get confusing
  • proving that we have shot and recorded the music video
  • To be able to create a good music video and get some good footage
  • To convey the genre of alternative/indie by using repertoire of elements, cinematography, editing and the conventions shown in other indie music videos.


By doing this pitch with my group it has helped us to get a brief idea of what we need and what types of shots, locations and costume designs we will need to create our alternative/indie music video.

Test shoot/ Lip sync

This is our test shoot for our music video which includes the song “Starting Again” by day wave. Having filmed, acted and edited this short music video has helped me get a sense of how to shoot a music video as I have used the key skills that I need for my final music video.

Things that went well were the editing because it was on beat and the transitions worked. We had a variety of shots and had the star image centred in the frame on most of the shots. We choose a different number of locations for our shoot. Even better if we included better coverage shots for example the cut close up shots and panned shots. We could of used better shots that had clearer lip syncing and we could have used fancier transitions if we had more time to edit our video. We didn’t have the paradox of the star as we didn’t use any shots which showed off his talent on guitar. Are star image was portrayed as quite quite ordinary and he didn’t really connote the genre of alternative/indie as he was wearing the wrong costume for the genre and we filmed at very basic and boring locations.

Focusing forward, I will use cut to close up shots and panned shots as well as the correct MES to help communicate to my audience my star is an indie/alternative music artist.

Visual shot list for shoot 1


This is a visual shot list for my first shoot for my alternative/indie music video, It lists the types of shots from other artists music videos of my genre and shows the repitoir of elements and conventions. Having made this visual board will help me shoot my first scenes of shoot 1 as the different angles will help me to capture the cinematography for my music video and represent my star image in the genre of Alternative/indie.Made with Padlet

Initial song ideas for a music video

Here is a word cloud for some of the words that came to mind when listening to my chosen song for my music video Starting again by Day Wave.

Here is my pitch for the song for music video and some of the ideas which have come to mind for making an indie music video. Our narrative will be amplified with illustrative movement as the we will have shots consisting of a protagonist that has no friends at the start but then meets these new people and starts hanging out with them and having fun, we can tell this story by having the main characters hand out in different shots to then his hand being held and then all the fun starts, like cliff jumping, kayaking and other summer activities. We will also have a performance along side this with a band on the beach will be edited along side the other story.

Favourite music video from former student

I think one of the main reasons that this video works so well is that they have used the technical convention of lip syncing which fits the actors voice perfectly for the song. Another reason why this is the best music video from last year is that the song works really well for a horror music video. Having analysed it I can see that the narrative works really well as it is all about someone who is insane. Doing the shoot at the under ground was a good choice for MES and the costumes and lighting are perfect for conveying a horror narrative. Her make up and hair is made scruffy and bloody which represents her as someone who is mad and needs help. The editing is very well done as its on beat and it doesn’t disorient the audience. The star is represented as someone who is insane and likes pain. The camera shots are canted, low angle, high angle shots, mid shots, close ups, long shots and wide shots which help to convey the horror narrative of the video. Looking at this video gives me an idea of what shots, edits and mise en scen to use when shooting and producing my own music video.


Perfect production group

Here is my groups portfolio agreement that we have signed, this is helpful because if anyone drops out and doesn’t want to make the music video they have to due to this document, it says are strengths and weaknesses and what days and times that we can make and where it will be.

Final song choice and re design the pitch.

Starting Again- Day Wave

Here I go looking ahead
I’m starting again
I won’t be caught in the moment
I’m starting again
And I will take care of myself
I’m not done yet
And I’ll let you know when I’m ready
To put it to rest
But I can go on alone
I can do it alone now
I hate it when you push me out
I hate the way you make it sound
Like I feel alone
Like I feel alone now
I’m not gonna give in again
I told you the way I am
I don’t feel alone
I don’t feel alone now
Here I go starting to break
I’m looking afraid
But it’s not like that I promise
But I can’t feel you helping me anymore
No, I can’t feel you helping me anymore
But I can go on alone
I can do it alone now
I hate it when you push me out
I hate the way you make it sound
Like I feel alone
Like I feel alone now
I’m not gonna give in again
I told you the way I am
I don’t feel alone
I don’t feel alone now
Here I go looking ahead
I’m starting again
I won’t be caught in the moment
I’m starting again
I hate it when you push me out
I hate the way you make it sound
Like I feel alone
Like I feel alone now
I’m not gonna give in again
I told you the way I am
I don’t feel alone
I don’t feel alone now
Here is our song choice ‘Starting again’ by Day Wave, it is an alternative/ indie song and it has a really nice summer vibe which we can use to create a summer music video via a performance along side with a narrative. We will use laid back clothes as well as props like guitars, drums, microphones and basses to convey an indie summer band narrative. We want to have fun in this video so it is essential we choose locations like beaches and places with pools to convey are a summer narrative. Our narrative will be amplified with illustrative movement as the we will have shots consisting of a protagonist that has no friends at the start but then meets these new people and starts hanging out with them and having fun, we can tell this story by having the main characters hand out in different shots to then his hand being held and then all the fun starts, like cliff jumping, kayaking and other summer activities. One of the ideas we have is to have no one calling or texting the main character to show his isolation and loneliness this will make the lyrics illustrative and meaningful and is in the chorus the words are “I hate the way you push me out, I hate the way you make it sound, Like I feel alone, Like I feel alone now.”