Category Archives: Social Media Page

social media page

click on image to go to twitter page

Here is draft 2 of our social media page and here is the feedback from Mrs. Cobb summarized


  • Get rid of re tweeted posts
  • add a trailer
  • add digipak with inside panes
  • we need interviews for cross media convergence (chat show)
  • political and charitable identity
  • tour poster
  • synergy with the brand
  • raise interaction with fans (meet and greets)

self assessment of social media page


Here is our self assessment on our SMP Ambient Dreams Draft 1

Having done a self assessment will help us make our next draft of the SMP better and hopefully look more professional.

click on link to see SMP


  • Add a timeline for SMP
  • Add a hint for a live chat with audience (live stream)
  • Advertise the digipak in the SMP
  • Advertise the stars working and raising money for a charity (children in need)


Timeline and marketing ideas


Here are 3 case studies which I have read, they have given me ideas and will help me to promote and market my campaign for my social media page.

Here is our chronological timeline for our SMP this so we know what to post and we will be gifs posters and our music video in the next upcoming weeks. This will help create my personal identity for my stars and give the audience a social interaction to understand who they are. This will be by using entertainment, social interaction, personal identity and by making and releasing teasers for my artists.

Social Media Page Terminology

Here is my analysis of a social media page this will help me to make my own social media page in future as I have looked at the technical conventions, the way the star image is branded as an artist, for example in his bio he is represented as a musician which tells the audience that he makes and produces music. The blue tick shows that the artist is verified and has been viewed by a representative of instagram, this makes the account look professional, non amateur and marketable. I have understood the repertoire of elements for the blue prints of a social media page , for example how posts and stories help to promote and spread awareness of the artist and it helps them to grow a target audience through sharing their posts.