Category Archives: Component 1

Chosen adverts

I think this advert would work with my genre and target audience. As they would want a relaxing beverage and they would most likely be over the age of 18. It gives off a very relaxed vibe and is very calming towards the viewer. It is also like they can escape into happiness with this beverage.



I think my target audience would absolutely love this advertisement, this is due to its very trippy and creative poster design as-well as being about one of the best selling psychedelic rock artists in world.  One of the reasons this advert would be perfect for my magazine is that lots of people who like psychedelic music listen to tame impala, he is well known to put on a show and he is great performer and people could buy tickets to go see him on his tour. I have also featured him in my magazine, on which he talks about his new album.

Complete magazine draft 3


Here is my 3rd and final draft of my front page. Since draft 2 I have changed the colour and spacing of the cover lines, I have added a date, issue and price, made the masthead bigger, I have also changed the font of the word “Grammy” so that it stands out and looks similar to the grammy logo.

In my new draft I have completely changed how page looks. Firstly I have added lots more cover lines, I have changed the fonts and text sizes, I have also changed the size of the images and have re adjusted them to fit a three layered grid. Ive also exported it so that the colours look sharper, I have got rid of the pink background and changed it to white. I have also re organised the masthead so its more centred and changed the size of the font, Ive added and edited an extra image and I have made sure the text aligns with the columns. All in all I am very pleased with this final draft.

Here is my final draft of my DPS. Since my last draft I have made my image larger, iv’e adjusted the columns so that they align equally, I move the bottom sentence at the end of the article to the right and Ive added colour to the quote in the top left.



Front page

  • on front page space out the cover-lines
  • Capital letters G for Gizzard
  • Make image bigger
  • Price and issue date
  •  change colour of letters
  •  Make masthead bigger
  • Contents
  • Put Radar small and contents big
  • page number 3
  • more colours
  • more cover lines
  • check spelling
  • More information make bigger
  • Add a give away
  • swap around more room
  • punctuation
  • DPS
  • make image bigger
  • Equal the columns
  • push “continue article” to the right
  • Add graphics colour scheme
  • logo “rainbow twissle”
  • Add Twitter and facebook

draft 4 contents page

Since draft 3 I have tidied up the layout by making the images bigger and making the text look nicer with different colors and fonts. I also changed the shade of pink in the background. I’ve added more covellines and made the headline bigger and the name of the magazine smaller. I added page number to my contents page. Images look nicer and even and not stretched like in my last draft. Starting to look more like a contents page.


  • Keep playing with layouts trying to make it look nicer
  • add another image to the contents page
  • More cover lines.

Contents page draft 3

In this poster I have changed the bottom image from my last draft to a different picture on which I edited in photoshop. Furthermore, I have used smaller cover lines and resized the masthead so its much bigger and central. I have also re positioned the colourful boxes whilst changing there colour and I have made the images look more proportioned with the text. As well as making a background for my heading which I made in photoshop.



  1. Keep things look proportioned and tidy
  2. Try not to stretch images
  3. Make it look more like a contents page

2nd draft front page

What’s new?

Since my last draft I have kept my title the same “Crocodile pool” but have added “interview with the man himself” next to it so that the audience knows what to expect in the magazine. I have changed the masthead by making a colour pattern in photoshop for the background but kept the same font. I also changed the pug to make it look neater and more pleasing. Ive added a lot more cover lines to attract the audience and show them what will be in my magazine. I have remade the star image in photoshop so the resolution is better and last but not least rearranged all the text to make it look neat and tidy.


What’s next?

  • Capital letter Gizzard
  • 2 coverlines about the same artist
  • separate the cover lines more
  • add an extra coverline in?
  • banner across the bottom with more artists features?
  • price and issue number
  • make the R bigger in Radar?

Article idea development

Final draft after teacher feedback

A Blast from the past

Over the last 4 years Crocodile Pool, AKA Bandon Baskerville, aged 22, has brought us 7 incredible albums for our ears to enjoy. His album, “On a jJourney to a New World” hit 4 million streams last year and in only the first 3 minutes of being on Spotify, hit 100,000 streams which broke the Spotify streaming record. But even though every psychedelic rock fan has heard of him, what was he really like before all the fame and glory? 


Just 5 years ago Brandon Baskerville was  streaming on twitch in his free time, but even after trying to do it full- time for 5 months he wasn’t getting the viewers he needed to make any money. He then thought about how he could make money and he had the idea to try and pursue a career in music. He started to explore with a music programme called GarageBand, but he wasn’t sure of how to use it at first and was struggling for 2 weeks just to make one song. But after 4 months of recording, playing and editing and practising making songs, he had finally finished his first album called Moonquake. So he uploaded it to Soundcloud, a free music platform where people could share their music to the world and so Crocodile Pool was Born. 


Many days went by and there were still not many people interested in his music.- Brandon says he only had around 50 streams on his new album after 6 days. He was frustrated and exhausted and decided he was going to give up with music and try something else. But the very next day he woke up and checked Soundcloud. He was in disbelief as 400,000 people had listened to his album. He had emails from record labels and messages from people saying how great he was, but most importantly he had the opportunity to play at a local festival in Sydney, Australia.


4 years later Crocodile Pool is one of the most famous and richest psychedelic rock stars and has toured in more than 450 cities and 24 countries. He says, “Life is just a journey that you have to ride, just like a surfer on a surfboard.” He says, “he’s currently working on his new album Space Dust which will be released on the 1st of February 2021”. According to the multi- talented musician he has spent over 6 months on this album and he says it’s the one he’s most proud of. He is also thinking of going on tour in America after the global pandemic dies down as he misses being on stage performing.


In next month’s edition of Radar, we will be giving away 50 exclusive new singles on vinyl of Crocodile Pool’s latest hit “Earth is Infinity”, so make sure you buy or reserve your copy asap.


Draft 1 recording

A Blast from the past

Over the last 4 years Crocodile Pool AKA Bandon Baskerville age 22 has brought us 7 incredible albums for our ears to enjoy. His album “On a journey to a new world” hit 4 million streams last year and in only the first 3 minuets of being on Spotify, hit 100,000 streams which broke the Spotify streaming record. But even though every psychedelic rock fan has heard of him, what was he really like before all the fame and glory? 


Just five years ago Brandon Baskerville was  streaming on twitch in his free time, but even after trying to do it full time for 5 months he wasn’t getting the viewers he needed to make any money. He then thought about how he could make money and he had the idea to try and pursue a career in music. He started to explore with a music program called garage band, but he wasn’t sure of how to use it at first and was struggling for 2 weeks just to make one song. But after 4 months of recording, playing and editing and practicing making songs he had finally finished his first album called Moonquake. So he uploaded it to soundcloud, a free music platform where people could share their music to the world and so Crocodile Pool was Born. 


Many days went by and there were still not many people interested in his music, Brandon says he only had around 50 streams on his new album after 6 days. He was frustrated and exhausted and decided he was going to give up with music and go to sleep. But the very next day he woke up and checked Soundcloud. He was in disbelief 400,000 people had listened to his album. He had emails from record labels and messages from people saying how great he was, but most importantly he had the opportunity to play at a local festival in Sydney Australia.


4 years later Crocodile Pool is one of the most famous and richest psychedelic rock stars and has toured in more than 450 cities and 24 countries. He says “Life is just a journey that you have to ride, just like a surfer on a surfboard.” He says he’s currently working on his new album space dust which will be released on the 1st of February 2021. According to the multi talented musician he has spent over 6 months on this album and he says it’s the one he’s most proud of. He is also thinking of going on tour in America after the global pandemic dies down and he misses being on stage performing.




  1. Get better at not stuttering
  2. Rerecord it
  3. Practice it a bit more
  4.  Add a Q and A or interview questions.