Category Archives: Component 1

Draft 1 Front page

The masthead is fairly proportioned and it looks quite unique, the bright pink colour stands out and attracts the audience. To make this masthead better I need to make it larger. The model is framed well and centred on the page but the quality is bad which i’ll fix in my second draft. Guitar leaning to the left looks quite good as the original photo had the guitar leaning to the right. In my next draft I will need to make my model bigger and more centered so that my front page can look adequate.  Desktop publishing indesign has been used well to layout the text and image so that they convey the genre of psychedelic rock music.

The spacing between text isn’t to my liking and neither are some of the fonts on my cover-lines, I will change this in my second draft. The trippy psychedelic colours of pink, blue, red, white and black fit perfectly with the genre of psychedelic rock. I have used these colours in my image as well as my text so that they work together. The fonts i’ve used work well with the genre but i’m not sure on having the black highlighted by blue on “ Voted best artist.” 

Originally we had a good costume but after the editing and blending of two images in photoshop, you can’t see what colour his T shirt originally was. But we had a good costume which resembled the genre of psychedelic rock. The language in my text is good as I have some superlatives, this helps attract the reader and draws a sense of importance to the magazine. The magazine is clearly a magazine as it has most of the conventional features a masthead, a pug, cover lines and a main cover star. In my next draft I need to add to make my work adequate by adding main cover lines, price and an issue date. Photoshop has been used well to edit image but it is too blurry and needs re-doing.

Draft 2 Contents page

What’s New: From draft 1 the size of the fonts have changed for example in the title radar. I have changed the colours of the boxes and have added a title at the bottom in the picture. I have also changed the fonts for “contents and Features.”


What’s next?

  • other images other than Brandon?
  • would not have him on both images..inset of someone else?
  • smaller coverlines
  • smaller Radar and larger contents
  • more colour in the coverlines
  • page number



Contents page draft 1

  • What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?
    • The types of shots I have used to communicate meaning are a mix of low angle, high angle, canted angle, long shots and mid shots.
  • What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?
    • The costumes are off beat, slightly quirky and clearly psychaedelic. the locations are a bit naturalistic…feel they should be more spacey somehow?
    • I have used the appropriate mise en scene as my costume for my star image fits the genre of psychedelic rock as it is unorthodox and eccentric. Also having Castle Cornett as a location provided me with many interesting shots for my music magazine.
  • How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre?
    • The font is readable but perhaps a bit clunky and large in places. the page numbers are too big too and we need more on the contents page….proof for typos and capital letters and too much information in places…edit the coverlines down to create eye grabbing alliteration etc
  • What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?
    • Needs its own page number…there are page numbers for the features but not enough of them.  Wouldn’t normally have punctuation in the coverlines and the masthead should be smaller and contents/features bigger.
  • How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand?
    • Feels funky and retro but 2 of the same artist is not conventional…find another photo of another star and caption the insets too
  • How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?
    • the inset feels awkward at the bottom although I like the page number but who is it? and the main image needs to be photoshopped to give it more zing.
  • Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre?
    • see above.
  • How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?
    • Feel the language could be more relatable to the target demographic and use some of the key slang, semantic field they would use in the genre. make it more musical.

DPS draft 4

In my final draft I have deleted the outline boxes from around the text. I have changed the spacing between the intro and the rest of the article. I have put the title in all caps. I have adjusted the page sizes so they look realistic to a magazine. I have changed the size of the text saying who the photograph is by and I have changed the position and the quotation marks of the quote in the top right hand corner.

What’s next?

Dps draft 3

In this draft I have enlightened and edited the image of my model, added page numbers, added a quote to the image, shown which company has taken the photograph, changed the colour of the boxes from pink to white and have aligned the boxes so that they look neater with the page numbers.

Next i will get rid of the outlines and i will position the page numbers correctly and make some of the other text looks neater.

Draft 2 DPS

Here is my second draft for my double page spread, I have changed the image on the left as I didn’t feel like it looked psychedelic enough compared to my other images in the magazine. I decided to get rid of the writing on the image so I moved it over to the right and put it as part of the heading for the article. I also changed the size of the font and adjusted the text box so that it was bigger and wrapped around the text, I even thickened the text box and put some stroke on it. Just to make everything even I placed the text so that it aligned with the white text box.

  • sort out page numbers
  • who has made the article and taken the photography
  • the light fx on him looks like they are ears..offset him but great image..can we lighten him slightly?
  • perhaps add a quote on the photo page
  • is it the end of the article or is it continued….?
  • not sure about the pink bounding boxes….shouldn’t be necessary
  • break up the columns with an inset quote to wrap the text around
  • de hyphenate
  • Why is crocodile pool in different font is it to make it stand out?

1st draft DPS


This is my double page spread for my magazine and I took this photo on the left on my photo shoot at castle Cornett, I then blended that image with some light trails that I had taken to get this interesting image. The title of my article is Blast from the past and the article is displayed in the pink columns, with the introduction just above it. The article is about my psychedelic rock stars past and how he got into music.

  • not sure about the photos stretched?
  • page numbers
  • byline and photography by
  • which one is the headline?
  • continued on?
  • turn off hyphenate


Castle Cornett contact sheets for music magazine

In this shoot I went to castle cornet to capture some great images of my model, I used mise en scene and costume design to try and create my psychedelic rock star.

Here are my top 3 photos.


I think out of all my photos I took this is my favourite, its mainly just because of the really interesting canted angle I took and the stairs look really odd. I also like how moody the photo looks, as it’s to do with the contrast between the colors of the stairs, my model and the walls, against the color of the grey sky in the background.


In this image I really like the composition with Max standing behind Anya and having blended one of my light drawing images on top of this image makes it look really cool and Psychedelic.

However I like this photo for a completely different reason as its bright and impactful due to the blue sky and the lighting of the image. I think I did a really good job on the composition as to get my model in the frame of the circle was a really good idea. As I was approaching this location with the circle in the fence I immediately thought to take this photo. My model also looks really cool and like rock star with the guitar balancing behind his head.