Category Archives: Component 1

I am a media prosumer


Media is great its exciting and fun and it can help  express an artists individual skills and it lets other people view there work. As a community we consume a lot of media throughout our daily lives.

Here in this college you can see and understand the types of media that I consume.

I personally consume: Music, Films, TV shows, Social media and even video games. I use Youtube around 2 hours a day, Youtube has consumers who use their product daily as its a great source of entertainment and information just by the click of a button. I also find I consume Netflix and video games on my Xbox, these being my main sources of media consumption. I also tend to listen to Music for entertainment either when working, travelling or practicing. For my personal identity and social interaction I usually consume Instagram and Whatsapp mostly for more than 3 hours a day. For education and Information I consume Youtube and google chrome, this could be for work or just at home to find something out.

Here are some more reasons why I use the media.


In this Course and by the end, I will work and expand on my media skills. I will learn and understand how the media works and how to develop on skills such as Photoshop and film editing. Learning about how the media works will help me to create my next upcoming project which is a Music Magazine. By looking at the posters and the media on this college it is clear to me that I will need to make my Music Magazine attentive, bright, fun, informative and eye catching so that it stands out. This Magazine will need to connect to my viewers and it should reinforce their own identity, this making my Magazine more popular and more appealing to the viewers needs and wants. Towards the end of the course I will hopefully become a better media producer and I really hope to make something creative and fun in the near future.


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