I’m A Media Prosumer

On the slide you can see the different media’s I consume on a regular basis. Especially social media such as Snapchat and TikTok.

One type of media I consume regularly is drama and fashion related. Like Keeping Up With the Kardashians to buying and selling clothes on Depop.

Then lastly I watch and listen to a lot of Breaking bad on Netflix or listen to Lily Allen on Spotify.

One aspect of Media Studies which I am intrigued about is Blumler and Katz. Which include;

Entertainment-This is usually TV based so factors like Netflix and shows on that like American Horror Story or Breaking Bad.

Personal Identity-My personal identity involves a lot of music, likewise, Arctic Monkeys or Lilly Allen.

Social Interaction-Social Medias like Snapchat, Instagram and Tiktok allow me to connect with all my peers online. Not only does this allow a sense of communication but a sense of belonging as you have the freedom to get in touch with people who live far away.

Education And Information-In one way Social Media is a platform which allows you to consume Education And Information, But the main source on Education and Information would be a news app, or listening to audiobooks.


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