Archive of ‘Music Video’ category

Draft 3 – Peer Review

We finished our draft 3 off of the comments from our previous draft and sent it out to some other students to review.

Student 1:

What works well:

  • Lighting and visual effects such as the layering
  • Overall lighting works well in connoting to the audience how and what the performance in meant to portray (anger/desperation)
  • lip syncing and overall editing phase works well with the sing and narrative
  • performance and narrative is strong and works well with the song
What needs to be fixed:
  • There seems to be an accidentally jump cut at the end of the the video after G lies back down
  • G laughs at the end of the video after lying down, could just cut the video a second before hand
  • not so much about what to fix but a suggestion of lighting and colour gradient the lighting choice in the container
  • changed contrast of the phone scene where G is messaging Jane as when the hook comes around it is timed with Jane screenshotting the chat, which took a closer look to notice
  • drums aren’t always in sync but there not much you can do about that since G was in time
Overall, a really good music video that works well with the song.
Student 2:
What went well:
  • Lip Syncing in time
  • Good use editing
  • Good variety of camera angles
  • Good performance
Constructive Criticism:
  • Maybe too much different effects going on
  • Some clips are very long
  • Don’t use snapchat (maybe messages)

Targets to improve on:

. Maybe look at the effects and sort out what may be too much

. Shorten some clips down

. Rework the messages to look better and more readable in the timeframe they appear for

. Fix the accidental end clip

. Rework our use of color correction

. Rework the clip of the actor lying down at the end

Specsavers Feedback

We had some media professionals who work at Specsavers on there advertising and marketing come in to watch over our clips and help us out. We had one of them watch over our music video and help give us some pointers.

Over all he really liked our video and especially our editing to the beat. He showed us how we could mask our cable from our shot where our star appears twice in the same room, this was in order to make it so that our cable didn’t just cut off and instead seemed like he was there and not just edited in, this helped keep our mise en scene. He then proceeded to teach us how we could use keyframes to a much more professional extent, this helped us with the scene where the broken man throws his phone, now instead of the clip simply cutting to the next it instead wipes of the screen cleanly with feathering in order to follow the phone throw motion. Lastly he helped give some pointers in order to use our editing to the beat in a much faster pace in order to synergies with the fast paced music and energy of the song, this in turn helped us get a much more energetic series of clips with the jump cuts.

In conclusion having an experienced professional look over our music video really helped us push it to be at a much more high quality and have a much more professional feel to it.

Music Video Draft 2 (Includes shoot 2 footage )

We created a second draft for our music video and sent it in for a screencastify by our teacher. We focus on specific parts of our video and still have some parts that need editing and we still need to touch the parts that we have edited up.

We may need some more use of the metaphor “turn the lights out”, with clips such as different lights turning off. We will also need to add in more close ups on the lip syncing to connect with the lyrics more, and more of the drums. Our jump cuts look clean and great and work very well bringing out the pure energy, these were also great use of editing to the beat and were precise and edited to the beat. We should cut more between mid shot, close shots and far shots and cut between them for variety in the performance shots. We need to add more narrative shots to the start. We may need to get a dramatic slow motion of the phone flying through the air to increase the dramatics of the pivotal moment. Overlays work very well. The transitions and the canted angle used was great. Need more drumming shots. Great performance close ups in the bass solo. Great editing with having multiple versions of our star at the same time. The cutting between different angles and scenes work well in the finale of the song. we also need to show more of what the reasons of the break down of the man.

We made sure that we used our tripod and kept many stable shots. We edited our clips to a great extent in order to maintain the good quality of the video. All of our shots are great quality and used in the correct places and use the right mise en scene. We still need to color correct our video which we will do in our next draft.

This previous video was excellent and something that can help us look at what made it so good. The video uses the tripod very well in order to get a variety of shots and keep the clips stable. They use a variety of angles and different distances which really help the video look professional and interesting to watch. their use of the effects works well with their choice of song and fits its aesthetic.

The syncing of music and performance works well and the lip syncing is well done. their mise en scene and choice of costumes fit the music well and show off their edgy theme that they are going for. The performance room they use works well as it isn’t expensive and fits the edgy punk mood of the song and the stars.


. More close up shots

. Color correct the video

. More variation in the shots

. More narrative shots

. Maybe some slow motion shots

. More drumming shots

. More connections to the narrative of the man breaking down

Shoot 2 Reflection (Narrative)

I and George recorded our narrative in a drama studio with an inflatable mattress and one actor. We focused on trying to use different lighting and camera angles and movement in order to convey the troubled story of a broken man spiraling down and struggling to sleep.

We managed to get some really good videos of our actor doing a great portrayal of a broken man and we were able to really capture this in the experimental uses of our camera. We really experimented with thinking out of the box and trying to really push the movements of the camera as best as we could with what we had at our disposal.

The only issues that we had was that we could have had some more equipment of which we didn’t think of in our plans. We also spent too much time thinking about what we could do next instead of recording.

. More organization

. Waste less time

. Plan better

Video Narrative Story/Shot sheets

We made a storyboard for our narrative shoot in order to be prepared and ready so that we can be organized and make the most of our time in the shoot.

.We decided we will take a lot of shot with high angle over him in order to show his helpless and fragile state that he was in

.We will use close ups on his face in order to bring out his facial expressions and show off his sadness and distress

.We will use the canted camera movement to bring out the anger in him flipping his bed by following his motion and the beds movement

.We will use dim creepy lights maybe red in order to add an angry, sad and unnerving atmosphere

.We will do a close up focus on the phone to show that he is fed up with it and has given up on it

.We will do the same sort of following movement with a tilt when he is falling down into a lying down state

This will help us as we now know the shot that we want to capture in our narrative shoot.


We created a sheet of which we would use in order to bring all our thoughts for the narrative of the video into one narrative.

This was a good way for us to be able to start working towards getting ready for the shoot and with our general organization. We were able to really put forward our story on the falling apart of an already broken man struggling to sleep which matches with our edgy target audience.


Overall our shoot was very successful and we managed to have good quality shots in order to use in our base solo. we also got a few full performance videos to have for a base shot.

We came across a issue with storage on our camera which made us not able to capture all of the footage we needed. This was made up for in the post editing which helped us fix the issues we had with our star leaving his phone and airpods in a scene messing up the mis en scene. luckily with our clever post editing we worked around this.

In our next shoot, which will be our narrative shoot, we will make sure to capture more footage and bring a spare SD card. we will also make sure to keep all props out of the scene.


. Good footage

. Well performed

. Good cinematography


. Not enough shots

. Items not in shot that shouldn’t be

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