What is a Contents Page?

My Contents Page Examples, Some Design ideas of My Own and Five Catchy Headlines:

Reflection: A contents page is a page where it helps the reader find what is inside the magazine. You’ll mainly use it to the to find a topic of interest to you. They are hugely important in helping the reader navigate and understand the text they are reading.

This is my Google Slides about content pages in a magazine.  I first found some examples so I could get a good idea on what the possible layouts I could use in my own contents page for my magazine. Then I drew some draft layouts on paper to plan what layout I’m going to use. Finally I thought of five catchy headlines to give attraction for my audience.

As you can see on slide 2 made some contents tables with numbers, the numbers are supposed to be page numbers. This is because the reader will find it easier to navigate their way around to the content that will give them the entertainment they want.

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