Media Ecology

This is our class posters on different characteristics of the media ecology. My task was to do one of those characteristics of the media ecology, mine turned out to be technology, the fifth page in the slideshow.

Reflection: What is media ecology? Media ecology theory is the study of media, technology, and communication and how they affect human environments. I asked questions which I wanted to be answered, but the main three were:

“Which devices have remote access to the media?”
“How does technology change social interaction?”
“How does technology affect the market?”

My Media Diet

Reflection: This is my media diet, the bigger the image means the more media that I consume of that platform. For example I chose YouTube as quite a large image because I use it a lot for entertainment and  educational videos. But for discord I made it really small because I barley use it. This is a really good way to analyze and take time to think about how much media you consume regardless of what media it is.