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Performance Re-shoot



Unfortunately due to the weather during our first performance shoot our shots were not to the standard we wanted them to be therefore we decided to reshoot during the summer holidays. In my opinion our first performance shoot helped us gain experience and aided us to have some practice shots and to practice using both of our DSLR cameras simultaneously. In the time period between our first performance shoot and our reshoot we decided to change multiple things such as;

  • we added bright red braces to our lead singers costume to ensureĀ  the audience know that he is a geek.
  • One of the biggest changes we made was our location of the performance shoot. We changed this as we thought that our new location, sumerez park, had more shot opportunities and was a better fit for our music video.
  • Another big change was our band changing, we replaced one of our band members who was also a team member so that we had more hands behind the camera and also to communicate to the audience that the band is made of his friends. As a group we decided that this was the best decision to make for our video and to ensure we had a variety of shot types.

Focus forward:

For future shoots we are going to be more prepared by making sure that our camera equipment is set up at the correct angle with everything in the frame and in focus. This may have prevented us from having to reshoot however, our second shoot did lead to decisions that we would not have made otherwise.

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