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Digipack- Rough Draft

This is the first draft of our digipack.

This particular draft is missing certain aspects on the back panel such as;

  • the record label logo
  • the copyright information
  • a barcode

As this is only our initial draft we were more dedicated to getting the main conventions and components onto our digipack, not the minor details. However, we have discussed and have a clear idea of where these are going to go. In this draft we have clearly mapped out where our song titles, images, band name, album name and other key components are going to be placed.

Next Steps

We are very happy with the way this draft looks but have various ideas to improve. We are hoping to include images from different angles as most of the ones we have used in our first draft are mid shots. We are also unsure on the serif font of our album name in contrast to our simple san serif font of our band name. Another touch we are going to include is having a heart replace the dot above the 'i' in our band name to make this more interesting and add another minor detail to bring the digipack together. We are going to play around with this however because we may change the "o's" instead as this could add even more detail.

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