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Peer Feedback

The last piece of feedback we have been given is from a fellow media student in a different class.  This was in feedback given on our draft 3.

This is what they said;

Good Points

  • the zooms in to the different members of the band are brilliant and match the beat
  • the tracking shot is good
  • When the band appears on the beat
  • good pans
  • slow-mo is effective

Points to improve

  • Improve the bit where she is receiving the text
  • The shot of the main singer needs to be shorter
  • The lighthouse shot needs to be straightened
  • Maybe add some more narrative in the middle as it kind of gets lost


The feedback we have been given throughout have all had similar points. One of our biggest next steps is to get the last little section of our footage into our video as we have now got a rather big gap due to some shots beng to long. Having a fellow media student that has not seen our music video has helped us get a few valid points of feedback.

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