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Our 10 Essential Shot Ideas

Made with Padlet


These are the 10 shot ideas that we are definitely going to capture whilst filming. We chose these shots as they represent and highlight different emotions, aspects and feelings to the audience throughout the video. We used screenshots from all different videos within our genre as well as some neighbouring genres to ensure we have the shots that are going to be conventional to the genre our song is.



This is our presentation to pitch to our teacher

This is our video of the verbal feedback we were given.

Feedback summary


+ We had a developed character idea that has a good backstory and is not going to be a problem to portray by our model.

+The song being a message that he is trying to engage with. Allows our group to be creative with how he keeps being rejected and how she keeps missing the message.

+Our location ideas are able to be easily depicted, our lighthouse setting is representing their romance.


-We need to narrow down our ideas as we have got too many to be able to clearly present in less than two minutes.

-Characters only having two friends each to illuminate the over complex ideas and this also allows us to be more precise and organised.

-The narrative and performance both need to be cut to avoid us having too much to do.


My Narrative Idea

Focus Forward:

Creating my own pitch has allowed me to think deeper into my own ideas and how I am going to not only execute the narrative but to also incorporate Mise-en-scene into my initial ideas. This has also made me think about what structure and narrative types different pieces of music connote.

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