2nd Draft of Double Page Spread


Below is my 2nd Draft of my Double Page Spread. I have added and changed quite a bit to the page as a whole and to the article so it wasn’t so long. I listened to the feedback given to me to improve my first draft to be able to create my 2nd draft and make it better. Hopefully after this I will be able to make some small tweaks before finalizing my last draft.

What’s new?:

I changed and added quite a few things as there were some crucial features I had forgotten and just little adjustments I made to make it look more professional.

  • I made my headline ‘Bitter Sweet Big Break’ bigger and at the top center of the page to make it more noticeable and stand out more to the audience
  • I also made my main image bigger to make it more inline wit the text and to make it more clearer
  • I added the page numbers as I had forgotten to do this in my first draft and they are crucial design features
  • I put my introduction into a black box to separate it from my article a bit so it didn’t seem so long
  • I added a quote to add another conventional feature to the page and make it a bit more personal
  • I also made my article a bit shorter so it didn’t seem so long as it may start to disinterest the reader if my article is too long

What’s next?:

I feel as if my Double Page Spread as improved a lot since my first draft but there is still more to improve on

  • Make the headline more central and not so close to the black box around it
  • Maybe shorten my article a bit more and add another quote or some ways to get in touch such as Social Media Platforms
  • Make the black box that’s behind my introduction a bit bigger so the writing doesn’t look so cramped
  • Maybe even make my headline even bigger


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