Chosen Adverts

In this task I will be choosing some adverts to use in my magazine. My aim is to pick relevant and appropriate adverts that fit with my genre and magazine.

Advert 1:

I chose this advert as it focuses in on the type of music that my target audience enjoys. Dua Lipa is very popular pop artist that the majority of my target audience will like and appreciate her music and talents. This will give the audience a better idea on the genre of music they will be engaging with. It includes different songs sang by Dua Lipa that many members of my target audience may of heard of.

Advert 2:

I chose this second advert as I have guessed that many of my target audience would listen to music through speakers and headphones. This advert would then intrigue readers to use this brand to get or look at there high quality products. I think this is a good advert to use as many people use speakers and/or headphones to listen to music and is a good investment which this advert will help with.

Both of these adverts will be appropriate for my target audience which is young people/millennial’s who enjoy pop music and a bit of gossip.  This can be used to relate to Stuart Hall’s theory by my making my chosen adverts to interest to my target audience and suitable for the genre of my magazine.

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