Draft 3 – The Double Page Spread

This is my first draft of my double page spread. I like the colours I used as they suit my theme and music genre. It makes the model seem cute and lively. A double page spread should contain a body of text, a headline, an image, page numbers, columns and quotes. These factors make a double page spread effective and interesting to read.

Peer Feedback

There are a few media forms present, such as a stand first, page number and column text. However I feel that the column text is rather inconsistent as the boxes are all different widths, making it look a bit messy. Furthermore there is not a byline, a headline, or any drop capitals, so they could be included in a further draft. The staple line has been slightly considered as the page is split into two parts, however the title and the stand first may get cut off. The image seems fun and intriguing which may make a reader stop to look at this article.

Targets for improvements

  • Flip the image and put her on the left – tempt the reader to read on
  • Columns should be a more even width
  • Two page numbers
  • Byline – who wrote it
  • Name of the photographer
  • Drop capital
  • Stand first should be nearer the copy and instead have a catchy headline
  • Paragraphs in the text columns

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