
I understand that the adverts aren’t going to be marked, but for the purpose of presentation it will make the ISSU platform work better. I chose these adverts as they suit the demographic of my audience.

The top advert works well as it fits my teenage, girl demographic. I chose it as teenage girls are usually into makeup and looking good. It also has a famous singer who may be an idol to the audience. The bottom advert is also good as it is pink, girly and suits my audience demographic. I chose it as it fits my kpop genre and shows information on a music event.

Draft 5

I have added my article to my DPS and sorted it out so it looks nice. In addition, I put an arrow signifying that the article continues on to the next page as I wasn’t able to fit it all on one page. On my contents page, I added more hearts which continue my theme of cute and girly. Finally, I changed their names into a more English style so the readers are able to read it.

Peer Feedback

After receiving feed back from a peer, I am able to have an understanding what needs to be changed and what new to put in. They have also given me positive feedback so I know what is good. This helps me change my magazine to make it look the best I can.

Feedback on Article


Peer Voice Memo

To ensure my article had no mistakes, I asked a peer to read it out to me. This was helpful as it gives me an idea if a sentence is too long.

Targets For Improvement

  • Some more quotes could be added to get across more feelings from Luna Park about her experiences of her rise to stardom
  • There needs to be an apostrophe on Parks advice
  • Could state who the other stars that she is planning to collaborate with are
  • Explain what she is doing specifically to work hard for her fans


Language Analysis

The magazine I am going to be analysing is Q Maverick and the author of this article is Dorian Lynskey. The article is called James Lavelle and was created in September 2017.

The structure of this article is a biography and is written in third person. Throughout the article, the reader is not aware of the presence of the journalist, however, they do mention their name in the introduction of the article. This allows the journalist to tell the story of Lavelle without intruding himself into it.

This article describes James Lavelle’s top years and how his career went downhill. It then goes on to explain how he is struggling with financial issues and how he is trying to pursue his dream of being in his band despite these hardships. It creates a sort of sympathy towards Lavelle as he is trying his best at doing what he loves. The language used in the article is quite daunting as it uses words such as ‘dead’ to describe the failure of his company. It also uses swear words which convey his emotions easily. The quotes that are used are speech by James Lavelle. They used this to make the reader sympathise with Lavelle, to create emotion between Lavelle and the reader. Towards the end, the reader may read on as they feel as if they have been on this journey.

The journalist represents James Lavelle as a person who is trying to do themselves better. It goes through his life story and how he once failed at trying to make something big. Then, it goes on to tell us how Lavelle is continuing doing what he enjoys despite the hardships he’s been through. The journalist has used language which is close to Lavelle, keeping the story on track.

Draft 4 Feedback and targets

Front cover

  • Title bolder
  • ‘One of the biggest KPOP (make it bigger – different font) magazines – bring together
  • Bring plus closer and different colour
  • Add peachy orange to front cover
  • Free limited poster on an angle – look more like a pug
  • Move bottom black writing down a little bit
  • Move bar code right a bit and smaller
  • Don’t put a specific date e.g November 2017
  • Eve bigger
  • Couple more cover lines – writing in black (it’s poppy so it’s meant to be exciting)

Contents page

  • Editors note – put best wishes, your editor, Lydia (in a box like pink box with numbers)
  • Put more little hearts somewhere
  • Bring in another colour
  • Cover lines clash with ‘in this edition we have all the latest news
  • Pink box could be made longer

Double page spread

  • Background taken down a notch
  • Blank space above the title – put in an extra photo
  • Eve bigger

My Work In Progress

This is my front cover of my magazine. I have changed the background as the previous one was too plain. I have added a white gradient to the background which makes it stand out more than it used to. I have also moved the masthead more towards the left corner and made it bigger and bolder.

This is my contents page. I have also added a white gradient to the background as it also was plain. By adding the white, it makes it pop out. The pink banner that contains the page number has been stretched so it finished where the contents finish. This make it look more professional and overall look nicer.

Finally, this is my double page spread. I used Photoshop on my star to have pinker lips to suit the star image. I have also made her bigger to fit the page nicer. Also, I have enlarged the headlines as they were quite small before.