DEKKER – Final Product

Finally, here is our final Thriller. We are very happy overall with how it turned out. Enjoy!

Evaluation Question 7

For evaluation Question 7 the question was, Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?’ This task has shown me how much work we have done in such a little amount of time. It allowed us to reflect on the progress we have made and the skills that we have learnt. Our filming and editing techniques have improved rapidly since our first preliminary task and this evaluation question allowed us to display our success.

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

By using so many different types of technology I have learnt how each piece of technology does something unique. They have all helped to develop my thriller in different ways that all contribute significantly towards the final product. I have learnt that the more variation of technologies you use the more interesting your final product can be.

Evaluation Question 6 JPEG

Please click the image above to see the full size PDF of Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 5

This Question was edited using Adobe Premiere Pro. The question was ‘How did you attract/address your audience?’ It addresses key features throughout our thriller and explains why we have included them and how they are going to attract our chosen target audience, which is men aged 16 to 24. We discussed the effects of each individual feature and from this task have learnt that including convention features is a very important thing to do when making a thriller.

Evaluation Question 4

For Evaluation Question 4 the question was ‘Who would be the target audience for your media product?’ Having done a Facebook profile page of an average audience member we came to the conclusion that our film is best suited to be aimed at the core audience of men aged 16 to 24, because it is a thriller and action film which are both categories that are specific to that core audience.

Evaluation Question 3

‘What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?’ In this task I conducted research into distributors that would possible distribute my thriller. Distribution is one of the most important parts of making a movie because, if the distribution is not good the whole film will become unsuccessful. Below is a slide show of who I have decided would be well suited to distribute my thriller.

Evaluation Question 2

For Evaluation Question 2 the question was ‘How does your media product represent particular social groups?’ I looked into why we did certain for example how we gave the audience the correct impression on our characters. We did this by explaining things such as the different types of camera angles we used.

evaluation question 2 screenshot

To open up evaluation question 2 please click on this screenshot to bring you to a full sized pdf. It has been made on an A3 sheet so if you cannot read please do zoom in.

Evaluation Question 1

Below is a presentation addressing the question, ‘In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?’ I feel our thriller challenges traditional conventional thrillers as we have added a twist into it that does not abide by common thriller conventions. This presentations shows how developed conventions for our thriller and how we dealt with common thriller stereotypes.


Feedback of Draft 3 – DEKKER

This is feedback on draft three of our thriller. The feedback is on sound and visual.

The majority of our feedback was very positive and they thought that our thriller was very effective and challenged everyday stereotypes.

feedback Mrs Cobb - Draft 3

Mrs Cobb felt that when Morgan is walking in the courtyard we cannot hear his footsteps. To correct this we have added some in and enhanced them. We have also increased the volume of the music at points of high tension this enhances the tension of the scene. Every target that has been mentioned has been resolved.

Draft 3 – DEKKER

This is our final draft of our thriller the next exported sequence will be the complete full final thriller. For this draft we have added in a distribution company of our choice. We have also made and added in our own production company to the beginning of the thriller. Another addition we have made is that we have added in a piece of film that included the location and date of the film. By doing this the film makes more narrative sense and a scene is automatically set. We felt that it was a very conventional way to introduce the film.

However, even with all of these added adjustments we still have a few more things that we would like to improve on. For example, the creaking of the door is far too loud and it takes away from the scene. Another thing that we would like to correct for our final thriller is leaving a longer gap for ‘ A Film By Ewan Champion-Smith’ at the end as we feel that it appears too soon and is far more dramatic with a longer pause.

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