Month: November 2015


A storyboard was made so that we knew what it was that we would be filming on the day. We did it in a lot of detail to ensure that we did not miss any shots out and we included everything. This way we had a lot of footage and we would not need to go back to re film anything which sets us in the correct path and allows us to get on with editing right away.

Screenshot 2016-01-14 at 13.53.52

To view our storyboard in detail, please click the above image

Character Mise-En-Scene

Our characters mise-en-scene is very important to the scene. If they are not dressed in the correct manner it could ruin the whole set and make it confusing to pick between who the antagonist and protagonist are.

Charecter mise en scene snip

To open up this as a PDF, just click on the image.

In the end, we decided to change the shoes of the antagonist to black boots. This was because we feel the builder boots would have looked far to generic. By changing to the black boots the antagonist has more mystery about them and they become a little more feared. We also change the colour of the protagonist’s suit as we feel black made him look stronger which gives the audience hope that he is able to beat the antagonist.



Extended Step Outline

Once we had decided upon our final storyline we wrote it all down and finalised all of the details. It allowed us to ensure that all of the characters and the scene worked well together to ensure that we made an intriguing opening sequence.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 at 14.00.05

To see a full size PDF of this document just click on this document.


Audience Research

We did audience research so that we could aim our film at a specific audience. This helped us because it gave our film more of a direction and purpose. It also enabled us to rule out certain ideas and include other to make it more suitable for our target audience. It is important to know who the consumer of your film is before hand so that it can be tailored for that specific audience.


Thriller Preparation – Moodboard

In this task I had to create a moodboard for our thriller opening.

I had the idea that there could be a room filled with pictures of previous victims and a man that is trying to find someone.

Since we have pitched our ideas to each other we have chosen this idea but have expanded on it. So that there is an antagonist watching the protagonist via CCTV.

For the thriller I will be working with Ewan and Lauren.

Our actors will be Ellie Alvarez, Louise Trimbee and Morgan Price.

moodboard hriller 2

To view the moodboard in a larger format just click on the above image.

The idea I had for our thriller was that there would be a man who’s wife has gone missing. A location is sent to him and he goes to it in the hope of finding his wife, but finds himself staring at a massive wall of murdered dead people in what seems to be a layer of sorts. Whilst observing the picture covered wall he spots a picture that was originally of him and his wife but it has been ripped in half to only show his wife. At this point he begins to frantically look around the fort in hope of finding and rescuing his wife. However, the whole time there is someone watching him go around the fort through previously placed CCTV cameras. He finally ends up going into a room which he hears screams coming from. The door shuts and locks and he becomes trapped.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 at 14.12.40

This is Ewan’s moodboard, to open click the image above.

Ewan’s idea was about a man that discovered an abandoned fort of which he entered and explored by torch light. After a while of looking around he stumbles upon something that is unknown to the viewer. At this point the titles would come in and the movie would start.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 at 14.13.11

This s Lauren’s moodboard, to look at if click the image above.

Lauren’s idea was about a hooded figure that murdered someone and left them in a place that has a no entry sign. However, later on the protagonist goes around the place and and discovers the dead body and an investigation commences whilst the the antagonist (the hooded figure) keeps a close eye on them and their investigation the whole time.


Editing montage

In this task we were given the opportunity to film a montage of our choice. It was supposed to be 30 seconds worth of footage that needed to make narrative sense and include a good variety of shots and angles. However, because we filmed so much footage our finished montage ended up being longer than expected.

Things that went well:

  • The storyboard really helped us to include a good variety of shots in the montage.
  • We all directed the filming efficiently without being overly bossy.
  • We also managed to get the camera perfectly positioned for an over the shoulder shot that could also not be seen in the camera.

Things that did not go so well:

  • We took a lot longer than expected to film the montage as although we had our story board done we did not have the shots in order of what we needed to film. This meant figuring it out whilst filming so that we had all of the parts that needed facial hair in shot first.
  • Some of the angles that we attempted to do were in very difficult positions so maybe considering an alternative shot would have been a good idea.
  • At one point in our montage we also broke the 180 degree rule.
storyboard snip

This is our story board for our montage. To open and see the full storyboard just click on this image.




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