Month: December 2015

Editing Process – Draft 1

For our draft one we edited using Adobe Premiere Pro, although not too many advanced techniques were used as of yet. The majority of the whole process revolved around the use of the razor tool, which allowed us to cut down each piece of footage the exact desired length.  The only thing that we have in our timeline for the film so far it the footage that we have shot and now ordered and edited to make narrative sense. Since we are still in the early days of editing we have not yet added any titles or sounds to the sequence.

screenshot full of draft 1screenshot of razor tool

We also started to make use of another Adobe program which was Adobe After Effects. In this program we took parts of our footage that we wanted to look like CCTV footage. We layered numerous effects such as a transparent layer with a fractal noise effect and motion tiles which is what caused the white lines across the screen to move. Once we had layered all of the effects to get our desired look we added in a title box so that we could name the camera’s such as ‘cam 1’ or ‘cam 2’. The final feature we added in to complete our realistic CCTV footage was to add a timecode which we put in the top left hand corner.

CCTV full screenshotscreen shot of tools CCTV

Targets from Rough Cut

From the final rough cut we established:

  • That the acting for our film was good.
  • We included a good range of shots and used our close ups well.
  • That we needed to take out the double cut we have of Morgan running down the hallway.
  • To add something in to our edit to make sure that the film makes more sense as Morgan enters the Fort as at the moment it is not too clear.
  • Also to add a scene to make the change from walking along the field to walking down the stairs less sudden.

As we continue editing we now need to add the voice-overs and delete the background noise from the filmed footage. Once this is done we will work on incorporating the titles so that they are affective and noticeable.


Rough Cut Feedback

Once we uploaded our first draft of our thriller we asked our peers to access our work and give constructive criticism on what it is that we need to do in order to improve our thriller. From this task we have been able too comprise a list of things that we need to do in order to improve our thriller.

Firstly we need to delete the repeated shot that is included. Secondly we need to make the scene going from the field to the steps a little less abrupt as it can be seen as confusing.

Rough Cut Comment

Thriller Rough Cut

For our rough cut we took all of our footage and put it all in the correct order so that our film would make correct narrative sense. It also showed whether we needed to film anymore shots. We only needed one more shot, a close up reaction shot of Morgan’s face.

Shooting day evaluation

On our filming day Lauren, Ewan and I were filming down at Fort Richmond. It was a great location and we had managed to gain access to the inside of the Fort. As soon as we gained access to the inside of the fort we got given a health and safety tour of the premises, and after that were all set to go and started to film. We had two hours in total to get all of the shot that we needed from inside the Fort. We took some fantastic shots from the rooftop that showed off the remote location. Overall it was an insightful and fun day that went very well and produced great footage.

Highpoints of the day were:

  • Crashing the drone into bush. Although it was not the cheapest piece of equipment when we managed to lose the drone due to winds, it bonded the group and made the day far more enjoyable for all of us.
  • Another highpoint of the day would be having access to the fort. After many phone calls we managed to gain access to the inside of the fort and it was an incredible location. Its run down rustic look was incredible and just what we needed.
  • A further highpoint of the day would be setting out the killers murder wall. Setting this out was fun and added to the mise-en-scene of our location greatly. It also added to the personality of our antagonist.

Lowpoints of the day were:

  • We were rather disorganized in the way that we filmed as we had not seen our filming location before. We knew the story line that we were going to follow but not where everything was going to take place because we only had access to  the fort on our filming day and only for a short amount of time.
  • We should have taken some extra shots in case we ended up needing them. Luckily we do not need anymore shots for our editing but we still should have filmed each shot more than once and had some backup shots just as a safety net in case something didn’t quite work.
  • A further point is that we could have filmed a low angle shot of the antagonist to make her seem more empowering.

For future filming:

  • Checking out the location before hand and setting out where each thing can go would be a good idea. This will allow the filming to run a lot smoother and faster.
  • Also making sure that we fully know who to use equipment before using it. For example, we flew the drone well but failed to check whether there was wind further up. This resulted in us losing the drone.
  • Have a shot list with us so that we can follow it and have a far more productive and efficient filming day.

This is us filming:

setting up mise en scenemorgan and ewanrooftop

These are some of the shots that we took that turned out really well:

Screenshot 2016-01-14 at 12.29.51Screenshot 2016-01-14 at 12.30.54

Risk Assessment

By doing  a risk assessment we protected ourselves from tasks that could have potentially been dangerous. Also on a legal note we protected the school as we assessed the risks of what we were doing before hand. It insured that school knew what we were doing before we did it.


Production Meeting Agenda

Creating an outline of our thriller sequences made sure that we did not miss anything out for the day of our filming. It showed how important all the little individual things were and kept everything in an organised manner.

Screenshot 2016-01-21 at 12.05.28

Shot List

To help our filming day go smoothly and run correctly so that we had enough time to shoot everything we made a shot list. Its order was not chronological but this is so that the filming can be done faster and more efficiently.

Screenshot 2016-01-11 at 10.07.37

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