Month: January 2016

Titles Research – Fury & Se7en

To help us get an understanding on ways that our titles can be displayed we looked into a film similar to our own. By looking at what Fury included in its title sequence we were able to start making a list on what we would include in ours and where everything should go.

Screenshot 2016-01-21 at 9.57.38 AM

Please click the image to open document


Screenshot 2016-01-19 at 09.07.49

Please click the image to open document

Below is the running order of the titles we have chosen to display during our opening sequence.

ELM Productions Presents

Producer Lauren Roberts

Co Producer Monica Dekker

Director Ewan Champion-Smith

Morgan Price as ‘Dekker’

Louise Trimbee

Ellie Alvarez

Executive Producer Milan Baros

Editor Aaron Jones

Sound Jess Cobb

Costume Design Anna Lovren

Director of Photography Simon Paige

Casting James Samuelson

A Film By Ewan Champion-Smith


Title Fonts

We started to look at title fonts that would be effective for our thriller. In doing this we decided that we would not like the font to be too complicated because it is detracting and less memorable. To avoid this we think that a plain form would be better. Something that is rigid and dynamic to look at. Here is what we came up with:

picture of title fonts

Please click on the image to open up a full size PDF of the document

Titles Timeline

In this task we looked at the titles for a thriller movie that would be similar to ours. We chose to look at Fury ( Directed by David Ayer in 2014) To begin with we looked at where on the screen the titles were located than the duration of which they were on screen. By doing this I learned how it is very important to have each title separately so they stand out more. We also noticed that all of the lettering through out the whole opening sequence was in capital letters. This made it a lot easier to read and gave the title sequence a cleaner overall look. This is an idea that we have decided to adopt for our thriller as well.

Titles timline screenshot

Here is the title sequence that we made for the opening of Fury (2014) Please click the screenshot to open the full pdf

Feedback on Draft 1

We asked people to evaluate our thriller for us and give us feedback on what they thought was good and what they thought could be improved on. By doing this we learned that we had a good build up and had some really good shots included.

However they still pointed out things that they felt we could improve on, these were:

  • that we needed to include some shot transitions
  • and that we should consider altering our ending
feedback screenshot

Please click the image to read all of the feedback forms

Draft 1 – DEKKER

Here is our Draft 1 of our thriller that we have decided to name ‘DEKKER’. For this draft we have changed around the order of shots so that it all makes more narrative sense. We also shortened clips that we had already as we feel they were too long and are far more effective being sorter. Further the lighting has also been changed to be more dim and dreary. This is to give show the audience that this place is perhaps not the nicest place to be.

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